to think positively it doesn't mean you have to be a in you head Nazi so you may think something it doesn't effect anything...and if people think a way about you , its unfortunate they have that right, realize change is always, to think positive it makes you photogenic and these are my positive thoughts, lets face it trolls and bitchy people are fucking creepy looking doesn't mean they are ugly
quantum physics simply explains the invisible works of atoms and neurological energy but it is true feeling are drugs and it gets you satisfaction...and satisfaction is subject to change
this is all blabber lets agree to disagree and i would enjoy to hear you opinion and i know if your being real yo
happy thoughts:cats,pink skies,nice accents,key lime pie,the taste of a good washed apple,funny movies,the memory of peaceful societies,the smell of wooden construction,a nice American highways,mountains,prairies,tundra,jungles,monkeys,penguins,remembering true real privacy,knowing you can do well at work because you have the energy and endurance,not caring what people think because it has no effect even though it takes up subatomic space,believing in yourself and that you have people standing behind you always in heart,knowing trolls and bitchy people often get the shitty side of karma,caring for the environment as much as possible everyday,knowing that life is a gift,enjoying mystery,not dwelling on imperfection,letting people be themselves when you know they are being real,skateboards,water,plants,space movies,orchestras,guitars,drums,Randy Rhodes personality,artwork,flowers,pottery,natural resources,Britteny Spears first cd...more like tape,thinking of that there is people fighting for the environment,that there's an ability to achieve any positive lifestyle,that birds dont have to shut up,
final note did you ever think people aren't being themselves because they are really really hungry and there are trolls and bitchy people preventing them from eating
Good to meet you! It appears you are just starting up your blogsite. Good luck! I look forward to reading your stuff, and cheering for you.