Monday, 20 June 2011

nev-ah be a relate-ah to a hate-ah

 theres no such thing as stereotypes or taking anything seriously those people who believe in that are there to laugh at the very thought how pathetic it is to see people waste their time, its all fake i know being ignorant and racist exist and nothing makes that right so fu
i can nev-ah be a relate-ah to a hate-ah
i dont think global warming is winning any race race and even thinking race race is wrong
save the world? we never fucked it up no that you did, ho needs us all? the world will be fine when humans are rotted and gone...only the indigenous took care of it anyways
if the power goes out well see
tired of white people being fucking racist and immigrants taking all the jobs ffs
why cant we be friends why cant we be friends why cant we be friend why cant we be friends...
fuck it more white people use all the tax money for their schooling thats a fact so quit complaining you should use that shit to save the planet already
i cant wait to have that funded shit or a job and shit yo
to chill tha fuck out ith my niggahs
que sera sera to amo whatever will be will be i love you
it ill all be good in the end
learn from your elders before its too late is most important
dont complain about work

check me out on somechannell on youtube too! hatahs hate miss-spelled shit

realchix001 and somechannell are available on youtube and realchix001 is on twitter

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