i made happy thought lists and stuff before tosh.o made his happy thoughts book i know its an expression.... but! i still did. go back into my blog you'll find a list of them ie. happy thought feel free to comment your own
Friday, 2 September 2011
neo zeitgeist here it is
are you tired of the old/current zeitgeist? are you tired of things not changing in a mother nature friendly manner? are you tired of the global warming and the disappearance of animal life? are you tired of people sounding like their complaining all the time? are you tired of people picking on people? are you just fucking sick of everything, stop dont kill yourself jk no but seriously murder is wrong totally, unless you in a war saving millions of people from very evil people.(dont listen to that tosh.o, there is a cool guy who is sometimes okay his name is ray william johnson, choose his videos instead when wanting commentary on viral videos)
there is hope for the world! we can change things! its called being a generally good person not trolling and being nice and working toward a better future for our children of the world and making them feel like its not totally lame or "gay".
well no worries there is neo zeitgeist it is here and im anouncing its arrival! all you have to to is be yourself ,dont be mean ,try to make things better the best you can, and not listen to anything eminem say but tupac instead. so bob marley was gonna die and everything wasnt "gonna be allright" for him well he said also "dont worry be happy" and the beatles ere saying cool stuff too!
forget what that one saying was: first fix yerself, then your house, then yer town, and then your....no...
it was pretty cool what buddist people talked about umm...not listening to what religion,teachers,people,books say but use your DISCRETION use your good side of your soul some things people say is right and some is wrong, neo zeitgeist is all about using your abilities to figure out the TRUE meaning in all words and loving your religion and your life and following what you think is okay. dont have hidden agendas but want to make things appeal to what your true voice inside says when you see something but cannot do anything but wish you could, laugh at the world but dont forget it can be fixed! laugh at how ridiculous it has become, laugh at those who wrong you, and hope for karma or the proper christian words for karma. love yourself love the ones you love, verbal abuse is gonna make us all infertile, so some people are comfortable with it, doesn't mean its okay, they only dont give a shit about anything and want you to be the same! they think if your one with the dead inside money grubbin' non-caring folk you will get to hang out and it will make you comfortable? so what if it will? will they ever get together and sign petition and do initiatives to help the world out NO NOT EVER THEY HAVENT FOR 2000 YEARS!!!
there is plenty of poper resources out there and ideas and social changes that could help and we must do it now we must not pass this on to our kids to fix it, look at them they just fucking atch tv all day and dont help and they're doing worse drugs then we ever did and they are playing video games and social networking online and all that pointless crap, its the end of the line, you thought you didnt care they are sooo much worse then us! they will not fix the world, they cANT even wrap their head around benificial bacteria, or what really prevents cancer, or DNA,
this is neo zeigeist getting together and complaining about the world at first (or THEY think complaining is wrong or that it even is complaining) and then it become talking about what is out there, and especially feeling bad about our ancestors complaining about the work of the indigenous agricultural world we can relearn the old tradition and incorporate it with new mother earth friendly technology! who knows we might be a utopia like when we were all separated in the first place.
there is hope for the world! we can change things! its called being a generally good person not trolling and being nice and working toward a better future for our children of the world and making them feel like its not totally lame or "gay".
well no worries there is neo zeitgeist it is here and im anouncing its arrival! all you have to to is be yourself ,dont be mean ,try to make things better the best you can, and not listen to anything eminem say but tupac instead. so bob marley was gonna die and everything wasnt "gonna be allright" for him well he said also "dont worry be happy" and the beatles ere saying cool stuff too!
forget what that one saying was: first fix yerself, then your house, then yer town, and then your....no...
it was pretty cool what buddist people talked about umm...not listening to what religion,teachers,people,books say but use your DISCRETION use your good side of your soul some things people say is right and some is wrong, neo zeitgeist is all about using your abilities to figure out the TRUE meaning in all words and loving your religion and your life and following what you think is okay. dont have hidden agendas but want to make things appeal to what your true voice inside says when you see something but cannot do anything but wish you could, laugh at the world but dont forget it can be fixed! laugh at how ridiculous it has become, laugh at those who wrong you, and hope for karma or the proper christian words for karma. love yourself love the ones you love, verbal abuse is gonna make us all infertile, so some people are comfortable with it, doesn't mean its okay, they only dont give a shit about anything and want you to be the same! they think if your one with the dead inside money grubbin' non-caring folk you will get to hang out and it will make you comfortable? so what if it will? will they ever get together and sign petition and do initiatives to help the world out NO NOT EVER THEY HAVENT FOR 2000 YEARS!!!
there is plenty of poper resources out there and ideas and social changes that could help and we must do it now we must not pass this on to our kids to fix it, look at them they just fucking atch tv all day and dont help and they're doing worse drugs then we ever did and they are playing video games and social networking online and all that pointless crap, its the end of the line, you thought you didnt care they are sooo much worse then us! they will not fix the world, they cANT even wrap their head around benificial bacteria, or what really prevents cancer, or DNA,
this is neo zeigeist getting together and complaining about the world at first (or THEY think complaining is wrong or that it even is complaining) and then it become talking about what is out there, and especially feeling bad about our ancestors complaining about the work of the indigenous agricultural world we can relearn the old tradition and incorporate it with new mother earth friendly technology! who knows we might be a utopia like when we were all separated in the first place.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
fuck people standing up for their bros
friends or brothers their killing everyone quit having lame excuses to say your feeling are real girls dont even fucking are like that any fucking ways all guys fucking do is kill oh that hurts my bro feelings thats nmy bro waaaaaaa
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
having less kids prevents incest
some nations,clans parents (the older generation) are the only "pure breeds" left
and they had a bunch of kids
meaning there are more of the same genes around meaning they can get together
patience is a virtue and now you can be pure breed go have babies with the other nation,clan
oh yeah and girls need two of the parent gene to get a lets say, disease (look up dna) and guys only need one set of genes because they have half as much, meaning the girls dont have as much of a chance to get disease so if yer moms crazy your sons are and your daughter might not be so quit making her do the fucking dishes so she can go find a man that aint yer fucking cousin!!!!!
and they had a bunch of kids
meaning there are more of the same genes around meaning they can get together
patience is a virtue and now you can be pure breed go have babies with the other nation,clan
oh yeah and girls need two of the parent gene to get a lets say, disease (look up dna) and guys only need one set of genes because they have half as much, meaning the girls dont have as much of a chance to get disease so if yer moms crazy your sons are and your daughter might not be so quit making her do the fucking dishes so she can go find a man that aint yer fucking cousin!!!!!
people trying to force everything upon everyone
fuck the zeitgeist be yourselves, only folow god and be good to yourself and mother nature
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Rito Tinto shouldn't be aloud to look into peoples computer information with out proper mandatory regulation and law abilities. To the people for with a common intensive to pay and way to provide services to those who cant afford the legal action
Its intresting in what i just wrote how the main poin t with complicated answers such as my first sentence is quick. yet the thing you need in the first place and on the side is longer to say.
To go brutal anfd further into a Canadian northern local problem is showing lack of mandatory monitoring of officials and the overall regulation
Oh its a problem with training some say, i disagree.
Its intresting in what i just wrote how the main poin t with complicated answers such as my first sentence is quick. yet the thing you need in the first place and on the side is longer to say.
To go brutal anfd further into a Canadian northern local problem is showing lack of mandatory monitoring of officials and the overall regulation
Oh its a problem with training some say, i disagree.
Arctic priest faces new sex charges in Nunavut
IQALUIT, Nunavut — A Canadian priest who fled Canada more than 15 years ago after being accused of sex crimes against Inuit children now faces a new set of charges.
Father Eric Dejaeger (duh-Yag-er), who was sent back last week from Belgium over immigration violations, is now facing three fresh charges in connection with his time in Igloolik, Nunavut, from 1978 to 1982.
Two of the charges are for indecent assault. The third is for not appearing in court June 13, 1995, to face the previous six counts.
IQALUIT, Nunavut — A Canadian priest who fled Canada more than 15 years ago after being accused of sex crimes against Inuit children now faces a new set of charges.
Father Eric Dejaeger (duh-Yag-er), who was sent back last week from Belgium over immigration violations, is now facing three fresh charges in connection with his time in Igloolik, Nunavut, from 1978 to 1982.
Two of the charges are for indecent assault. The third is for not appearing in court June 13, 1995, to face the previous six counts.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 8:59 AM
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
b2m gayest is a retard loser faggot stupid douche bag
other commenter 's have said these things as well
here it shows him commenting on *my page on youtube
it says this chick lives in __________________her name is ____________ pm me if you want her exact location
*i deleted realchix(c) because of him i had 1.8million views over the over 100 videos
the RCMP here in Yellowknife didn't do anything about this situation and sounded GLAD* when i said " ill call if anything happens"
*more glad then how she was originally talking!!!
"the world would be awesome if noone was an asshole or a bitch EVER
you think weed is for faggots weed will save the world if you let it its everything you dont know shit, i know about the secret , god, and quantum physics and im fucking SMART wtf do you know? ABOUT pot!! IT WILL SAVE THE WORLD FROM EVERYTHING IF IT WAS A RESOURCE
other commenter 's have said these things as well
here it shows him commenting on *my page on youtube
it says this chick lives in __________________her name is ____________ pm me if you want her exact location
*i deleted realchix(c) because of him i had 1.8million views over the over 100 videos
the RCMP here in Yellowknife didn't do anything about this situation and sounded GLAD* when i said " ill call if anything happens"
*more glad then how she was originally talking!!!
"i wish i could fight for every person who died from a bully or ABUSE of anykind" tamica lewis
"the world would be awesome if noone was an asshole or a bitch EVER
in the TRYING TO BE way" tamica lewis
you think weed is for faggots weed will save the world if you let it its everything you dont know shit, i know about the secret , god, and quantum physics and im fucking SMART wtf do you know? ABOUT pot!! IT WILL SAVE THE WORLD FROM EVERYTHING IF IT WAS A RESOURCE
sorry you didn't know everything
you know deep down I HOPE you find the way THE WAY find it I WONT BE INPATIENT WITH YOU
its not i don't want you around
i messaged or pm"-ed him
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
happy thoughts some more
kittens,skies,cloudss,weezer,cubs,straws,ice, colour,shapes mmm happy thoughts these make you photogenic forget the jerks!
p.s more! ummm....a good time on a video game console a great home cooked meal in which you were able to do the dishes and fuck it
uh key lime pie and ice cream a good shot gun to the head of a zombie the end good night dont let the bed bugs bite and i would say there too shit every shit baritone soprano and fuck it mono tone moderate is just the shit for me now pretty hard to master time time time goes by and there there's so much gas in between ha ha life...peace luv ma readers even haters do good shit every now and who knows
p.s more! ummm....a good time on a video game console a great home cooked meal in which you were able to do the dishes and fuck it
uh key lime pie and ice cream a good shot gun to the head of a zombie the end good night dont let the bed bugs bite and i would say there too shit every shit baritone soprano and fuck it mono tone moderate is just the shit for me now pretty hard to master time time time goes by and there there's so much gas in between ha ha life...peace luv ma readers even haters do good shit every now and who knows
what the fucks going on
starring at people stare-ers watching you and they are like a rock stare at your pivots fucking dicks talking about you in the other room disease of society polarizing the nations and the earth as a fucking whole...or HOLE. loss of appetite because of fucking dishes and the fucking mayonnaise left out fucking quit fucking leaving the only thing that ,makes sandwiches taste good OUT!!!!! acting like there's something wrong all the time bugging people about shit that doesn't matter for nothing like im fed up with getting starred at im leaving
you don't have the privacy to ask or talk about anything in these fucking worlds controlled by old generations people who dont remember science 10 through 35 about sanitation, and people cant be peaceful when there is starring, i am the one trying to stop the brain torturring modest thinking to meek and inheirit the earth is to never complain about work , modest meek kind non-sinfull non-manipulative is a problem with bi-polar things like good happy and bad mad, they dont feel comfortable, but there is people who control those feelings natrually or theres one who help it out, and the whole point is get your dht dha protein omagas, get your sensorry overload, forgetit, if you just dont feel comfortable just realize you are and you gotta get used to it......that other real point is rember your heart ever met it well fuck meditation and deep breathing meet your heart and photogenenicness can come from there or whatever sicki thing your paying attention to at the moment i say you all pretty when you dont sin and love eachother under god and stop fucking mind gamming verything and focus on modesty moderate and feeling comfortable when nothing hat it seems and nothing is anything and its all good in tha hood in the ghetto your hummbbbbleee abode.
you'll all be judged in tha end you all be bitching at everything so wanna start a blood sista bitch out and bring me down to hell with you realchix be talking yo peace
how can you expect people to act normal when they're starving and ho can you expect people not to express themselves when its tha fucking internet
you don't have the privacy to ask or talk about anything in these fucking worlds controlled by old generations people who dont remember science 10 through 35 about sanitation, and people cant be peaceful when there is starring, i am the one trying to stop the brain torturring modest thinking to meek and inheirit the earth is to never complain about work , modest meek kind non-sinfull non-manipulative is a problem with bi-polar things like good happy and bad mad, they dont feel comfortable, but there is people who control those feelings natrually or theres one who help it out, and the whole point is get your dht dha protein omagas, get your sensorry overload, forgetit, if you just dont feel comfortable just realize you are and you gotta get used to it......that other real point is rember your heart ever met it well fuck meditation and deep breathing meet your heart and photogenenicness can come from there or whatever sicki thing your paying attention to at the moment i say you all pretty when you dont sin and love eachother under god and stop fucking mind gamming verything and focus on modesty moderate and feeling comfortable when nothing hat it seems and nothing is anything and its all good in tha hood in the ghetto your hummbbbbleee abode.
you'll all be judged in tha end you all be bitching at everything so wanna start a blood sista bitch out and bring me down to hell with you realchix be talking yo peace
how can you expect people to act normal when they're starving and ho can you expect people not to express themselves when its tha fucking internet
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
more blogging today...
Careers that suit the Cancer include horticulture, journalism, nursing, and physiotherapy.
Try to spend time with friends or family — your energy should make for fun times no matter what you’re doing, but they energize you in a way that can really work with your deeper self.
- Your Most Likeable traits: Loyal, Sensitive & Family-oriented
- SYMBOL: The Crab (Possessing an impenetrable exterior covering soft flesh underneath)
- Ruling Planet: The Moon
- Element: Water
- Dominant Keyword: I FEEL.
- Magical Birthstone: Moonstone & Pearl (Changes bad fortune into good & discord into harmony. It also brings support from influential people.)
- Special Flowers: Larkspur & Acanthus
- Special Colors: Sea Green & Silver (The shimmering colors of the water and the moon)
- Lucky Numbers: 3 & 7
- Lucky Day: Monday Part of the body ruled by Cancer: The Breasts & the Stomach
Dates to Note for Cancer
The new moon solar eclipse of June 1 and the full moon total eclipse of the moon June 15 will have you thinking about your mental and physical well-being.
Jupiter's move into Taurus on June 4 heralds a much more social life for you in the twelve months to come. You'll love it. New friendships, more events to attend - you are coming out of your shell, dear Cancer!
To make sure you see just how social life will be, Mars will keep things humming June 1 to 19. It'll be a lovely change from all the work pressure you've had.
The full moon lunar eclipse of June 15 will bring changes to your department in terms of rules, personnel, or assignments. Your office routine and possibly your actual headquarters could change. At home, it's also possible you will lose a worker and find another.
Career news may be surprisingly positive June 27, for Mars will signal Uranus.
As you get into birthday time of the month, from June 22, you will feel more energetic.
Watch, however, for a wrinkle in time: July 1 brings the solar eclipse in Cancer and swift changes are due.
When Saturn goes direct on June 12, you will be able to take action on a partnership matter with a sense of certainty.
Best, most romantic dates for you: June 3, 4, 7, 8, 11-12, 20, 21, 25, and 26.
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